

Zeme Lou North was born, in 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter North of Corpus Christi, Texas. Little did they know that their new daughter would be something very special. From the time she was two-and-a-half years old when she put on her first performance, dance defined Zeme's life. Because she walked pigeon-toed and was flatfooted, her mother put her in ballet class to strengthen her arches and stretch her leg muscles. Along the way, a California dance teacher told Zeme that she just didn't have the build of a dancer. Through sheer determination, she proved the teacher wrong. By the age of ten, Zeme had complete correction of her arches, but continued her dance lessons throughout her school days, in fact, teaching them, eventually. At W.B. Ray High School, Zeme studied dramatics and sang with the school's dance band. She also sang in an Episcopal church choir. She graduated 14th of 500 students, as an honor student, in 1955 after only three years of high school. It was in Dallas and the S

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