

Leaving his hometown of Dayton, Ohio, Stephen Nichols traveled West, not in search of "fame and fortune," but to become a monk. He landed in Hollywood at the Self-Realization Fellowship Temple, where he studied yoga, cooked vegetarian meals for the residents and lived the monk's life preparing to enter the ashram. After three years of deep meditation, celibacy, and a steady diet of the films of Truffaut, Bergman and Cassavetes, Nichols realized being a monk was not his path. On a dare, Nichols auditioned for the Theater Academy of Los Angeles City College where he realized that acting and directing was his true calling. Nichols began his acting career in Los Angeles theater during its renaissance in the early 80s and has been honored with Drama-logue and L.A. Weekly Awards for his performances in such notable productions as Pieces of Time, for his portrayal of real-life killer, Donald Bashor, for the suicidal drug-dealer Hart in the long-running, smash hit, Delirious, and as Jim Morris

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