

In 1959, Emmy Award-winning television director Ralph Nelson directed a 90-minute adaptation of Shakespeare's "Hamlet," with John Neville as the Dane, for the DuPont Show of the Month. Nelson himself adapted the 1601 Quatro (the "pirated" version considered corrupt) in order to make a coherent production of a play that uncut, runs four hours. The video-taped presentation essentially is a recording of the Old Vic Company's "Hamlet." The truncated version makes for an effective stage performance of "Hamlet," as Tony Richardson's version with Nicol Williamson ten year later proves. As part of the broadcasting of the play, the CBS network published the TV script in a richly printed, illustrated volume that included a foreword by CBS President Louis G. Cowan. In the early days of commercial television, executives sought to balance their offerings of such drivel as "Queen for a Day" and "The $64,000 Question" with high culture. In that era, the so-called Golden Age of Television that was so

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