

Herbert Kenwith, born in New Jersey, started his career as an actor and appeared in several Broadway productions. His last was as "Bellboy" in "I Remember Mama" starring Mady Christians, produced by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, from 1944-46 (he was also Assistant Stage Manager). His first stage credit for producer / director was for "Night Must Fall," starring May Whitty. As Broadway's youngest producer, Kenwith--with Paul Feigay, Oliver Smith and David Cummings--produced the 1948 Gertrude Berg play "Me and Molly," (26 Feb-10 July 1948), starring Berg as Molly Goldberg. The production was voted "one of the season's ten best plays". After Broadway Kenwith produced and directed all 65 productions for Princeton University's McCarter Theatre for six very successful summers. The productions featured such leads as Lucille Ball, Mae West, Charlton Heston, Shelley Winters, Cesar Romero, Walter Matthau, Maureen Stapleton, Eve Arden, Constance Bennett, Joan Bennett, Paul Muni, Miri

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