

Lars von Saldern is an accomplished actor and writer/producer who has moved between both worlds all his career. He has also moved between countries, having worked successfully in both the German and American markets. At the beginning of his career, working as a writer, he won the reputable screenplay award "Drehbuchpreis des Kultusministers von NRW." He also wrote for the TV series, "Schwarz greift ein," and co-wrote/produced the documentary "Frankfurt BronX," based on his screenplay "Strassenflimmern" for the German network ARD. In Germany, Lars von Saldern worked successfully as an actor in a number of diverse productions. Wanting to polish his skills and understanding of the international market, he moved to Los Angeles in 1996 where he became a member of the "Actors Studio" headed by Tracy Roberts. While in America, Lars also moved into the world of producing. He was involved in co-financing negotiations with major studios such as Universal Pictures and became a member of the PGA (

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