

Biography Award-winning film producer and philanthropist, Lyle Howry has over thirty years in the enter- tainment business. Born in Hollywood, California June 19, 1958, Lyle was bounced around from foster homes as a young boy, giving him the independence and innate desire to excel in the face of life's persistent challenges. With a desire to create, Lyle began his career as a producer in 1985, co-producing the two time Emmy winning and nominated CBS's "The Dukes of Hazzard" TV series. A few years later he executive produced "Reggie's Prayer" football legend Reggie White's inspirational acting debut. Lyle then joined former Paramount studio head Frank Yablans to release Jon Voight family drama "A Dog of Flanders" which won a Bronze Gryphon Award and nominated for a Joseph Plateau Award. In 1999, with the launch of his business Skinfly Entertainment, Lyle focused his artistic endeav- ors on finance, studio negotiations, international production and distribution. Released in 2015, Skinf

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