

Carmine Imbriani was born in Brooklyn on June 8, 1919 to Emilia & Mathew Imbriani. His mom, Emilia Cancello, came to America with her family from Naples, when she was 8 years old. Besides the shows listed on IMDb, Carmine sang in off Broadway musicals and was also in the Mae West stage shows. He was also in The Robe, where he played one of the soldiers playing dice at the bottom of the cross. Carmine had three sisters and three brothers. They were named Celia, Anna, Louie, Armand and Mary. He had another brother named Louie, who died when he was one year old, due to complications with the measles. As a young man Carmine moved from New York to Los Angeles, California. He met his future wife, Gail there, when she moved to LA from Boston. They soon fell in love and were married. Through the years Carmine was a prop man for The Outer Limits, Family, The Twilight Zone, Charlies Angels, Happy Days and Joanie Loves Chachi to name a few. He had a beautiful voice and would sing at family functi

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