

Soon after finishing drama school at the Staatliche Schauspielschule in Rostock Jörg had his first engagements at the theaters of Stralsund and Rostock. From 1978-80 he joined the Theater der jungen Generation in Dresden playing in 'Minna von Barnhelm', 'Armer Ritter, 'Was ihr wollt', 'Die Schneekönigin' and 'Der kaukasische Kreidekreis'. In 1981 he changed to Greifswald and performed in 'Lysistrate', 'Feuerrote Blume', 'Die Preussen kommen' and 'Egmont'. Jörg Kleinau was very busy working for the DEFA. He appeared in TV-classics like 'Front ohne Gnade', 'Die Leute von Zünderow' and 'Zahn um Zahn', in adventure movies ('Der Bärenhäuter'), mystery stories ('Die Spur des Bernsteinzimmers'), and novel adaptations ('Sachsens Glanz und Preussens Gloria'). After the German reunification Jörg played in TV-series like 'Schwarz Rot Gold', 'Im Namen des Gesetzes', 'Doppelter Einsatz', 'Von Fall zu Fall', 'Alphateam', 'Hallo Onkel Doc', 'Die Trotzkis', 'Marienhof' and 'Für alle Fälle Stefanie'.

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