

Vito J. Giambalvo was born in St. Louis, Missouri to parents of Sicilian descent. Receiving a small movie camera for his 7th birthday, Vito made his first movies when he was a student at St. Liborius Catholic school. Out of high school he made a living singing and playing drums with his band Adrastus. His first job in television, was at KMOX TV, a local CBS owned and operated station where he was the stage manager. He opened 2 pizza parlors in St. Louis, but sold them when he was drafted into the Army. After he served his time in the Army and Air Force, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue his passion, to direct and produce films. He soon found a job as a camera operator and worked with all of Norman Lear's productions. While a camera operator, he wrote, produced and shot original pilots and short films with his friends. Touring the U.S. as a stand-up comedian in the 80s, he found out he didn't like living on the road, but the experience gave him lots of valuable celluloid material, comed

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