

From piano keyboards to computer keyboards, Mike Garson is a man of many talents and limitless inspiration. No artistic medium is off-limits to this avant-garde individual to whom the word "no" is quickly - and seemingly effortlessly - transformed into the word "now." Best known for his impressive skills as a pianist, he is a respected composer and a budding computer artist. Embracing the idea of the "Renaissance Man," Mike continually experiments with new ways through which he can communicate his humanistic ideals. Mike's story begins at the age of seven, when he began to study the classics. He was drawn magnetically to the piano and by his fourteenth birthday Mike was modifying complex Chopin and Mozart compositions to suit his ear for embellishment. By his late teens, Mike discovered jazz and the allure of improvisation * a pivotal moment in his artistic development. Mike is now considered one of the greatest musical improvisers of his era. In fact, his exceptional improvisatio

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