

From the 1930s to 1982 (date of her premature death at 63), Jacqueline Gauthier had every occasion of expressing herself in the light register. Whether on the boards (" L'extravagante Théodora "," L'école des cocottes ", " 40 carats "...), in the movies (Les maris de Léontine (1947), Forbidden to the Public (1949), Le clochard milliardaire (1951)...), on the radio or on television (On purge bébé (1979), Feu la mère de madame (1979), and half a dozen episodes of the inescapable Au théâtre ce soir (1966) TV series. But Jacqueline Gauthier had never agreed to being only a comedian, however good she was at it. Showing her true colors on the silver screen was the dream she long cherished but that she could never achieve, a few "serious" projects (notably one with René Clair) ending up not coming to fruition. This is the reason why Jacqueline Gauthier stopped making movies in favor of the theater and television where besides her comic qualities she was given the opportunity to display her re

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