

Michael Foley's training started with Jiu-Jitsu on High School. After graduating he'd train in Omega Systems of Karate and Kempo Chuan Fa. At that time Mike would start acting in college and would later graduate with an acting degree. He joined the army in 1976 and was stationed in Hawaii. There he continued his training. The army supported him and his classes to maintain his skills for actual anti-drug missions and Kickboxing competition. During those 4 years Michael was lucky to train in Koden Kan Karate, DanZanRyu Jiu-Jitsu, Kyokushinkai Karate, Shotokan Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Hwa Rang Do, Tai Chi, Shorenji Kenpo and Muay Thai Kickboxing. He had the privilege of training under the legendary Mas Oyama in Japan. Michael has traveled over the whole world for his work in the army and his martial arts training. Michael now has trained Koden-Kan Karate-Do for over 3 decades. As for titles and championships; He was the U.S. Army Pacific Rim Heavyweight Kickboxing Champion for 9 years until

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