

George Holmes' story is a great example of the various phases that an actor could go whenever they can go into acting. He got further than most but he never quite broke through into stardom. He tried his hand at various occupations including ice skating, wrestling, acting, and stand-in work which helped him shape one of the more unique careers an actor could have. When he started in the 1930s, Holmes was an ice skater and he used this to enter into films through the early Sonja Henie movies. Like many actors, he fell in love with the process and with his good looks he was eventually awarded a contract by the studio. He was put into several films including some leading roles including a Charlie Chan film and one of the Falcon films. The trouble is that Holmes was never too comfortable delivering dialog and he was eventually dropped by the studios. For Holmes, talking roles were very sporadic and didn't pay the bills. The muscular Holmes decided to even appear as a wrestler for local Ca

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