

Robert (Texas Bob) Hinkle's show-business career went from the rodeo to the studio, and spans the latter half of the 20th-century. After graduating from high school in his home-town of Brownfield, Texas, Bob enlisted in the United States Air Force in November of 1947 and received his honorable discharge in March of 1950. He joined the rodeo circuit upon discharge and it was at a rodeo in Moses Lake, Washington, where Bob was competing as a calf-roper and a bulldogger, that Bob had, in his opinion, his 'most memorable achievement'; he bet a fellow competitor $20 he could get a date with the Queen of the Rodeo, Miss Sandra Larson. He met her, took her to the rodeo dance that night, collected his twenty-bucks; and married the beautiful lady fifteen months later. This 'cowboy-and-the-lady' union is still intact after 56 years, and the raising of their three children, Michael, Bradley and Melody. While visiting his rodeo friends on the set of Universal's 1952 "Bronco Buster," Bob's western

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