

Sabine Herken was born and raised in Berlin, where she completed the bilingual J.-F.-Kennedy School and then studied acting at the Max-Reinhardt-Seminar. After graduation Ms. Herken played at theaters in Essen and Duesseldorf under the direction of, among others, Roberto Ciulli, Peter Palitzsch, Peter Beauvais, Werner Schroeter, and David Mouchtar-Samourai. She was nominated for best actress by Germany's leading theater periodical Theater heute in 1986. Her TV credits include appearances in films by reckoned Germans directors such as Axel Corti, Hajo Gies, and Bodo Fuerneisen. After a maternal break, Ms. Herken directed productions for the Berliner Festwochen, as well as a number of pieces for young people at the Spielwerkstatt Berlin. Her first novel came out recently at Rowohlt publishers. She lectures drama at the Hochschule der Kuenste Berlin. Ms. Herken last performed in October 2000 at Berlin's Renaissance-Theater in Das Atelier.
