

Kenneth went to a grammar school in South Wales where the English literary teacher had the class read out parts in plays which was the one thing he enjoyed resulting in him, being put in a play about Richard II. A local critic wrote ' If this boy chooses to make the stage a career he should do well' which gave Kenneth the idea of acting despite never having seen an actor or a theatre up to then. He left school at 15 with no idea of what to do apart from joining the army which would provide him with a uniform and food and possibly send him to India. Instead of which he went to Cambridge at 15 & 1/2 to work in an ironmongers and went to the stage door of the Cambridge Theatre with some of his notices, asked for the producer who gave him a job at £3 a week. Despite having had no formal theatre training he made 70+ films and directed 2 of his own documentaries which he researched himself.
