

Philippe Sr. was born in Toulon, France just about the time his father Jacques Cousteau was inventing the Aqualung (or scuba tank as it is more commonly known) that would allow human kind to explore the oceans freely for the first time. At the age of four years wearing a miniature aqualung he had entered the sea behind his father, following the bubbles to the bottom of rocky shallows, an experience that changed his life forever. The lessons Philippe learned at sea enriched those he learned at school spending each vacation aboard his father's famous ship, Calypso. As a teenager Philippe dreamed of flying airplanes, pursuing new horizons in the sky as he had in the sea. At 16 he received his glider pilots license and then earned his pilot and commercial license. At the age of 25 Philippe joined Jacques Cousteau" Precontinent III" where he and five "Aquanauts" lived in a specially designed house 330 feet below the surface of the sea. This was the first time any humans had attempted such

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