

Jean started out as a chorus skater with the Ice follies the Canadian version of the Ice Capades, from there she chose to go into Canadian Television where she became quite successful as a comedic actress with the show Nightcap, towards the end of her time with Nightcap Jean would go on to star in two Canadian films with her sister Linda Smith, who for their first film together "Adulterous Affair" would go by her birth name of Linda Gillespie, for their second film "Playgirl Killer". Linda would adopt Jean's last name of Christopher and would continue to use that last name throughout her brief show business career. In the mid to late 60's Jean worked in Hollywood where she was under contract with Universal Studios during her time with Universal Studios, she appeared in the movie Star! which starred Julie Andrews, The Wild Wild West, Jim Henson's The Cube and numerous other television shows and movies, Jean was also a singer and would make appearances on Linda's show A Go-Go 66, by the

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