

Best known for his debut role as the Loan Shark Michael in the feature film "The Ringer" starring Johnny Knoxville and Katherine Heigl. Al Dias has worked with many talented individuals including some of the biggest names in the industry such as The Legendary Chuck Norris, Brian Cox, the creative mastermind Robert Rodriguez, Danny Trejo, The Farrelly Brothers and more. Al has been involved with the entertainment industry for over 25 years creatively living in the moment. Starting off his career in the music industry as an Independent Record Label owner/producer led to his introduction to Television and Film and attended the Art Institute of Dallas in 1995 for the Music and Video Business Program. Also, having Certifications in Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management along with a Minor in Business Degree, Al plans to build and expand his pursuits into productions of great significance while getting more involved as an Executive Producer/ Producer/ Writer. Perfecting

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