

Nominated "Best Leading Actress" for her role in the film "Pure Justice", actress Lunden De'Leon has starred in over 50 movies and television shows. Some women are go-getters. Some women are business-minded. Some women use their struggles as building blocks for their success. Lunden De'Leon are all of these things. According to dictionary.com an entrepreneur is a person "who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk." In a perfect world, a smiling picture of the stunning De'Leon would accompany this impressively apt definition. Barbados born, South Carolina-bred, De'Leon had her fair share of ups and downs before she came to be known as the powerhouse she is now. After a brief stint as a Burger King employee as a teenager, De'Leon, who was bitten by the entertainment bug after seeing her gospel-singer father perform, decided to pursue her dreams and found herself in Hollywood, homeless and with only $200 to her name. T

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