

Angélica Aragón was born on 11th July, in the "Central Médica" clinic, in Mexico City. Raised in a family of intellectuals and educated at some of the most celebrated schools in Mexico, like "The Modern American College", "The Sierra Nevada School", "The French - Mexican High School", Angélica chose to seek an academic degree at "The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts" (LAMDA). There, for almost seven years, Angélica studied acting, pantomime, interpretative art, as well as canto and dance. In order to complete her histrionic education, she followed courses offered by "The London School of Contemporary Dance", "The National Dance Academy of India" and by the Indian "Kerala Kelandam Dance School". Back to Mexico in the early 80s, she started working in the telenovelas industry, for a local television company "Televisa". After giving life to a wide range of characters, either week or strong, subdued or independent, sociable or secluded, kind or evil, she decided to change her prod

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