

For four decades and a half (from 1945 to 1991), this very active actor worked continuously in all the departments of his art, theater (including stage direction), cinema, TV and dubbing. Among all these activities Christian Alers always privileged the stage, appearing in countless plays, most of which light comedies. He particularly shone in plays by Alexandre Breffort ("Impasse de la fidélité"), Michel André ("Virginie", "Deux imbéciles heureux") or Marc Camoletti ("Boeing-boeing", "La bonne adresse"). In a more poetic register, he was also excellent in André Roussin's "Un amour qui ne finit pas". Which does not mean that Alers, even if he did it only occasionally, shied away from hardcore dramas. He proved he could be convincing in "serious" works such as "Comme avant mieux qu'avant" by Luigi Pirandello or "Les étendards du roi" and "Le cinquième cavalier", both by Bolivian playwright Adolfo Costa du Rels. His most impressive performance remains Joseph Staline in Vladimir Volkoff's

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