

Ângelo began studying theater in CPT (Centro de Pesquisa Teatral) - Center for Theatre Research - then entered the EAD (Escola de Arte Dramática in USP) - School of Dramatic Art - where, with Gabriel Vilella, held its first show "Aurora da Minha Vida" in 1986. Two and a half years after the invitation of Ulysses Cruz joined the group "Boi Voador" performing works like "O Despertar da Primavera". Then came the "A Cerimônia do Adeus" of Ulysses Cruz, when they won the APCA Award, "Tamen - A Inconfidência" of Paulo Affonso Grisolli, "Não Flor, Nem Fera" of Ângela Barros, "A Lista de Alice" of Elias Andreatto; nominated Shell Award monologue, "A Prova" and the "O Continente Negro" of both Aderbal Freire Filho, the latter, too critically acclaimed. On TV participated in several successful productions as "Pantanal", "O Dono do Mundo", "Engraçadinha", "O Cravo e a Rosa", "Alma Gêmea" and "As Cariocas". On film his biggest hits are "2 Filhos de Francisco" and "Chico Xavier". Besides great p

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