

Christopher Jaymes was born in Long Beach, California and most of his childhood was spent in Huntington Beach until moving into a loft in downtown Los Angeles at the age of seventeen with a group of musicians and skateboarders, including Jason Lee (My Name is Earl) and Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots). Jaymes' entered the entertainment industry at the age of 17, getting a guest starring role in the hit show, Wings. Shortly, thereafter, he was cast starring opposite Helen Hunt in the CBS movie-of-the-week Murder In New Hampshire: The Pamela Wojas Smart Story and he then went on to appear on a number of other television shows including Lost, Party of Five, Profiler, Chicago Hope, NYPD Blue and Touched by an Angel. He played in a number of films as well including Ivan Reitman's Father's Day starring Robin Williams and Billy Crystal. His debut feature film, In Memory of My Father, garnered international acclaim and won over a dozen awards, including the 2006 American Spirit/Best Featu

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