

Although born to European parents, In Cincinnati, Ohio in 1917, Merrill LEVINE went back to Hungary and Romania to study. His grandfather had been an influential Rabbi in Transylvania...and his Mother's father was revered as "King of the Gypsies". Choosing to return in 1939...just prior to hostilities which prevented his return to the US...he was later interned in a camp for Foreign Nationals, but eventually also served time in several of the better known KZ Concentration camps...including Auschwitz. Most people have no idea that several hundred U.S. citizens were forgotten..by their government and languished in the camps along side the other prisoners. When my Father was released by the victorious Armees of Freedom, he was asked to consider going to British mandate Palestine, but rejected that idea. Daddy's people were fervently Anti-Zionist...and though a Cantor in Shul, my father Never stepped foot on Occupied Palestinian Territory. When my Father reached the United States in 1947,

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