

Oliver Broumis was born in Hannover, Germany where he grew up. Right after College he went to the Hamburg University of Music and Dramatic Arts for a 4 years education in acting. Since then, he also did a lot of training in Los Angeles with M. K. Lewis (Film Tech), Sam Christensen (S. Chr. Process) and Frank Betzelt, Berlin (Meisner Technique). He began his professional life with the German/Swiss film "Immer & Ewig"/"Always & Forever", a modern version of the Jean Paul Sartre play "The game is over". At the same time he also started in theaters all over Germany with plays of Shakespeare, Goethe and others. Through the war movies "Stalingrad" and "Hasenjagd"/"The quality of mercy" he discovered his fondness and ability to play emotional disturbed and volatile characters. In 2002 his interest in film politics made him one of the co-founders of the "film.lounge.berlin", a meeting and networking spot for the Berlin film industry. In 2004 he played the German zoologist and wild life act

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