

Vladimir Brichta has an extensive experience as an actor throughout his professional career. He has won some of the most important awards in theatrical, television and movie productions in Brazil. His career began as a theatrical actor in 1993 on the "Inspetor Geral" production in Bahia, city of northeast from Brazil where he was raised. Since then, he has worked in several theatrical productions such as "Uma História Sem Fim"; "A Casa de Eros"; "Eu, Brecht"; "Equus"; "Baal"; "Calígula"; "A Máquina"; "Mamãe Não Pode Saber"; "Os Produtores - (The Producers)"; "A Hora e a Vez de Augusto Matraga"; "Hamelin"; and "Arte". Those productions gave him the opportunity to win some of the most important awards for theatrical productions. In television has participated on more than 15 novels and series. "Porto dos Milagres","Coração de Estudante"; "Faça Sua História" "Separação?!"; "Justiça" which was nominated for an International Emmy and "Rock Story" playing the protagonist Gui Santana, are som

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