

Dee Booher, better known as "Queenie," first used the stage name of "Queen Kong" while skating for 5 years with such roller derby teams the Chicago Hawks, the New York Bombers, the Detroit Devils and the Texas Outlaws. Her acting career was augmented by a short-lived stint as a rock star. The video to her hit single, "(I Eat) Raw Meat", was played often by Los Angeles sportscaster Fred Rogin for a number of years on KNBC-TV4. She appeared on numerous games shows such as "Win, Lose or Draw" and "The Gong Show" (where she was a co-host for 14 episodes). She also made a living delivering very physical singing telegrams known as "Slam-A-Grams", where she would take down the victim, errr, guest of honor at a party in various professional wrestling moves, all designed to look extremely painful and brutal, but ultimately harmless. Due to various injuries over the years from wrestling and roller derby, she no longer performed "Slam-A-Grams" for health reasons. Some of her greatest fans were

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