

Nikolai Dimitrov Binev is a Bulgarian theater and cinema actor. He was born on July 5, 1934 in Sliven, Bulgaria. He graduated from the National Academy for Theatre and Film Art, Sofia, Bulgaraia in the class of Professor Krusty Mirsky. He was very famous for his numerous films and theatrical incarnations, as well as the work in the Youth Theatre, named in 2006 to his name. In the last years of his career, he participated in productions by foreign directors and starred with popular foreign actors such as Catherine Deneuve (in the film "East - West"). Nikolai Binev was invited to the troupe of a lot of Bulgarian theaters, but remains faithful to the Youth Theatre and for their entire life plays only at its scene. He participated in a number of adaptations and audio dramatizations of children's stories. In 2004, the Youth Theatre and the wife of actor - Domna Ganeva , issued CD "Nikolai Binev singing". The album includes arias from operas by Verdi and Cimarosa , songs from the musical "Ye

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