

Elizabeth-Mae Starbuck was born in Lancaster, UK on the 25th February, 1999. She has recently starred in the new film 'The Night Monica Came Back' as Monica. The film was written by Michael Haberfelner, Produced by Eirian Cohen and Directed by Layla Randle-Conde. In the film she starred alongside horror icon Laurence Harvey from Human Centipede 2 and 3. Elizabeth-Mae also recently finished playing a 'Moving Angel' in the York Mystery Plays 2016, where she worked with professional actor Philip McGinley (Game of Thrones) and Royal Shakespeare Company director: Philip Breen. She also got to play her understudy role 'Beadle'. For both roles she had to attend regular fight training: Sword Fighting (Angel) and on stage slap (Beadle). Elizabeth-Mae was also a volunteer crew member, on the nights she did not perform. Elizabeth-Mae attends Northern Star Acting led by Eirian Cohen, where she trains in Film and Television. She is also studying Level 3 Extended Diploma in Performing Arts- Acting

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