

Picardy Jean-Pierre was born February 27 1984 in Montreal, Canada from Haitian immigrant parents. He has spent half of his student life between Montreal, Boston and New-York. Being a talented award winning professional soccer player led him to travel across countries. He was first initiated to the movie industry in 2013 on the set of Brick Mansion, next to the late Paul Walker (Fast and Furious), the RZA (Wu-Tang Clan) and David Belle (Banlieu 13) as a background actor. Loving the experience, he appeared in numerous movies and TV-series, both in French and English. He has filmed in Canada, United-States and even on International projects. Since then, he never looked back, now knowing what he wanted to do: acting. Two years later, he was interned as a recurrent specialized extra on the ABC hit series Quantico, as a New Agent in Training (NAT), studying to become FBI agent, where he spent a full 9 months shooting next to the actress Priyanka Chopra. One important highlight of his young

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