

The acting bug bit Keith Cox at a very early age. He has been performing in one capacity or another since he was only 3 years old - acting, singing, dancing, character impressions - a natural entertainer. He became enamored with film and television as a child, and he knew from the moment he watched a movie for the first time that one day he wanted to become an actor and see his own face on screens large and small. Keith began his formal training as an actor at the age of 16, taking several acting classes and becoming an active part of his high school's drama club. He also started to develop his singing voice, by performing in musicals as well as church choirs. After graduating from Bryan Station High School in 1999, he carried his theatre experience with him when he enrolled at the University of Kentucky as a Theatre major. Between 1997 and 2001, Keith landed lead and supporting roles in a total of 6 theatre productions throughout high school and college. He was also accepted into th

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