

President and Founder of A.G.H.O.S.T. (Advanced Ghost Hunters of Seattle-Tacoma) with over 30 years of investigating the paranormal and 17 years running a ghost hunting group. He travels internationally to investigate paranormal activity, collect ghost stories and research cemeteries. Ross has been lecturing since 2004 and has spoken to over thousands of students at well over 100s colleges and universities throughout the US on his ghost hunting adventures and teaches a class based on his book, Ghostology 101 - Becoming a Ghost Hunter at the University of Washington. Through his travels he has had the opportunities to work with some of the biggest names in the field, such as Jason & Grant of "Ghost Hunters" fame. He has also investigated some of the scariest and most haunted sites known to man. The Stanley Hotel, Eastern State Prison, Amityville House and even has investigated "The Exorcist Case" where he has captured some of the scariest phenomena he has ever encountered. Ross also

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