

Michael Layman has worked in front of the camera and behind the scenes. He worked behind the scenes doing camera, lighting, sound, directing, technical directing and set design for Century Communications in Los Angeles and worked as a casting associate on the film, "Beneath The Mississippi". He's also been in front of the camera in films ranging from "Almost Famous" to "Sully" to "Office Christmas Party" and "Mark Felt". And can be seen on TV series, "The Vampire Diaries", "The Walking Dead", "Sleepy Hollow" and "Lodge 49", among others. He has also appeared in several music videos and public service announcements, and worked as a stand-in on the movie "Fist Fight" and the TV series, "Containment", "The Walking Dead" and "Legacies". Michael was also the host of his own movie review show, "Movie Mikes Reviews" on YouTube from 2011-2016.
