

David Proffitt was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and with his father actively serving in the Air Force, David lived on base in Turkey, Germany, and the Philippines until returning stateside at the age of seven and growing up in the Dallas Fort worth area. David obtained his GED during his junior year at Garland High School and with parental consent enlisted in the Army starting basic training at the age of seventeen. He served as an active duty infantryman in South Korea with the United Nations Command Honor Guard and then in Fort Drum, New York with the 10th Mountain Division. During his last six months at Ft. Drum David took classes at a near by college, SUNY Oswego, where he decided to remain after his Honorable discharge and obtained his Bachelors of Science in Zoology. He then moved to Anaheim, California where his father resided and began an internship at the Aquarium of the Pacific working with Marine Mammals while doing production assistant work and extra work before moving to San D

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