

Stacey Lynn Crowe was born September 28th 1985 in Burton Upon Trent. She studied a National Diploma in Performing Arts at Burton College before furthering her education at The Cumbria Institute of the Arts where she graduated with a BA Hons in Musical theatre and drama in 2008. Following this, Stacey worked for the next 3 years as an entertainment manager on a resort in Cape Verde where she produced, directed and performed in a variety of shows. After returning to the UK in 2011 to make the move from theatre to film and pursue her career in screen acting, Stacey has since then played many roles in TV and film including 'The Girl with all the Gifts'. Being a true thespian, she continues to work in children's theatre and live performance when not filming. She is also a recording artist, and is working in association with EBA Records on her debut album.
