Margaret Newborn_peliplat

Margaret Newborn

Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Born into a multicultural family, native Californian, Margaret Newborn started performing on stage, in community theater productions at a very young age with her brother and sister, Vin and Sylvia newborn. Her parents, Lionel and Cynthia Newborn, provided her with and very comfortable upbringing. Her early works include public television and After School TV projects. She became a Thespian member of troupe 214, while attending Garey High School in Pomona. Margaret was also a competitive swimmer, lifeguard and swim instructor. She is the proud single mother of four grown children, including one she adopted. Her children's current careers are, Missionary, College Professor, US Army Officer, and student. An avid world traveler, she has visited several countries, including yearly missions trips. Now that her children are all grown, Margaret no longer works for corporate America, and is focusing on her first passion, her acting career.

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