

Callan Lewis is an Australian Actor, born on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria. In 2002 Callan was accepted into the prestigious Ballarat Academy of Performing Arts (BAPA), where he completed a Bachelor of Arts (Music Theatre). Upon graduating, Callan was cast as the infamous friendly Pirate, Captain Feathersword from 'The Wiggles' and completed several national stage tours playing this iconic children's character. Following this success, he completed further Actor training, this time with a focus on film an television, at Melbourne's 'Rehearsal Room' studios. After appearing on the documentary series 'Riot or Revolution', which depicted the events of the historical Eureka Stockade rebellion and in several episodes of 'Neighbours', Callan was subsequently cast in the HBO and Steven Spielberg mini-series 'The Pacific'. He worked on he Emmy award winning series ('2010 Outstanding Mini-Series') from 2007-2008. After completing filming for 'The Pacific', Callan went on to enjoy a succes

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