Garreth Hadfield_peliplat

Garreth Hadfield

Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Garreth Hadfield was born on Friday 18 June 1982 at 2:17pm in Moree NSW Australia. He weighed in at 11.2 pounds and measured 23 inches long. The nurses at Moree hospital referred to him as 'The Elephant Baby' but this didn't stop parents Mike and Kim from loving him anyway. Garreth's exposure to stunts began at a young age when Kim would sit him too close to the heater and even once dropped an iron onto his head. Fast forward through the typical life of a child growing up in the Hunter Valley of NSW, Newcastle and then Brisbane, Garreth has grown into a generic looking male of average height and appearance. His skill set for stunt work is broad but not particularly good, just good enough to get by. Since working at Warner Bros. Movie World (Gold Coast) from 2010-2012 Garreth has managed to eke out a living for himself performing stunt work in anything ranging from live shows to feature films. Due to his average looks and sub-par skill level Garreth is willing to go the extra mile for any stunt role eg: shaving his entire body or getting a bad haircut, putting on weight/taking off weight and wearing uncomfortable prosthetics for hours on end. Working on major productions such as Thor: Ragnarok, Aquaman and Mortal Kombat have been a huge achievement for Garreth but he admits it's all been for one reason, "to be more successful than Laura Brent".

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