

Sadie Lee Warren is a child actor, model and singer. She is the baby of her family which includes four older and protective brothers. Called on "old soul" from the minute she was born, Sadie's life has been extraordinary ever since! She began home school at 3 years old and started Kindergarten at 4. It was then that Sadie voiced her wish to be a performer. Just to be sure this is something she really wanted she was made to do background work for one year knowing that at anytime she could quit. 5 a.m. wake up calls were nothing for the her. Sadie would sometimes rise before the alarm, dress quickly and be all ready to go buckled up in her car seat before the driver had even had the first sip of tea! Before her one year was up she was asking for an agent so she could do more. Meetings were set up and the kid sold it! Five different agencies wanted to sign her at once. With much discussion, we narrowed it down and ultimately Sadie chose her agent. She continues to do what she loves and

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