

Fred Jefferson Louisdhon was born on November 12,1978 in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. His mother, Genevieve Stvil Fouchard moved to the United States shortly after he was born and eventually sent for Fred when he was just five years old in 1983. Fred lived with his mother and siblings in Brooklyn, New York where he attended school. Often teased by other children because of his nationality, Fred would get into fights which in turn made the other kids begin to respect him. They admired the fact that he stood up for himself and didn't allow anyone to take advantage of him. In the 80s, Brooklyn was a tough place to live. Fred later moved to Harlem and attended Bridge Junior High School at the age of thirteen. This is where he had his first encounter with acting. He would mock his teacher Mr. Myrick. One day he was caught doing so and he punishment was to perform a monologue in front of the class. He did so well. His grades for performing Arts were usually a A and A+. While in school Fred was to

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