

Regina Hardy is the mother of three beautiful daughters, and is also the Glam-ma to a precious 8 year old girl, and handsome 5 year old boy. Regina began writing to personally release her thoughts, and generally used it as an outlet to record her feelings. Over time, her passion for creativity grew, as so did her craft for writing. In June 2016, Regina successfully self-published her first novel entitled "My Journey To A #SizeSatisfied & Finding Myself In The Process," a book she wrote for the purpose of wanting to inspire, motivate, and empower women, men, and children. Regina not only references her ongoing accomplishments to obstacles that she was able to overcome in her life, but further states that when she changed her mindset, it changed her life. Aside from being an author, Regina is also a Motivational Speaker and Actress, who has had roles in such shows as The Night Of, Orange is the New Black, Law and Order SVU, Stuff, and By Blood just to name a few. Regina is determined to

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