

Atticus is the middle child and only boy of three children. He and his sisters Jeanne and Janice loved American television as kids and would often pass the time by reenacting scenes from Jim Henson's Sesame Street and other children's shows made available in Manila, like The Electric Company and Villa Alegre. He attended private Catholic schools through the 5th grade, where he went by the name of Charles as most of his teachers could not pronounce Atticus, correctly, and some of his schoolmates teased him for it. During much turmoil within the Philippines in the early 80s, Atticus, his mother and sisters immigrated to the U.S. to explore opportunities in 1985. Atticus entered his first academic class in the U.S. as a sixth grader at Patterson Elementary School in Fremont California. His teacher, Claire Mahuna, insisted that Atticus reconsider being addressed by his first name as opposed to "Charles," which he obliged. Atticus did a lot of growing up in the East Bay of the San Francis

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