

Alexandra Doyle is a British actress born in South Africa known for her work on 24: Live Another Day (2014), Cursed (2020) and Black Widow (2020) She has been featured in international press such as The Guardian, Forbes Woman Africa and Marie Claire South Africa. Alex holds a law degree. As the first in her family to have attended university, she graduated from Law school in England with First Class honors and specialized in Criminology. Some of her hobbies include: studying Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Ancient History and Archaeology and when she's not on set, she can often be found exploring ancient temples, ruins and catacombs around Europe. Unsurprisingly, she owes her trademark red hair, blue eyes and pale complexion to her Irish genes. The recent discovery however, that she can count the last queen of France, Marie Antoinette, as an ancestor, was an unexpected surprise...but does explain her love of cake!
