Jaclyn Rose_peliplat

Jaclyn Rose

Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Jaclyn Rose is an American actress, originally from Detroit, MI. She has been acting since she was 3 years old, mainly focusing on theatre and musicals. After attending a performing arts high school in Detroit, Jaclyn received a musical theatre scholarship to AMDA (American Musical and Dramatic Academy) in New York City. After a few months in NY, Jaclyn landed a lead role in an off Broadway production, Attic. After the run of the show, she decided to move to Los Angeles, CA to focus on a film/television career. Jaclyn resides in Los Angels and is a working actress today. Her family remains in Detroit, where they have started a non profit foundation that feeds 200 homeless people every week. Jaclyn's main goal in life is to become successful by being a great role model and helping to end homelessness in this country and beyond.

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