

Anne Windsland is a New York based Norwegian actress. She attended the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York from 2012 to 2014, where she studied acting. She is most known for here lead part in the film "Anne & Alet" (Hergel Film, 2013), a recreation of a real story from Norway around 1760. Anne played the title role of Alet. She was born in Norway where she lived with her family until she was 17 years old with her family. She went to Vågsbygd Videregående Skole, a well known performing arts high school in Norway, where she majored in acting. She then spent a year in Iowa as an exchange student at Maquoketa High School, where she was very active in the Drama and Music program. She earned an All State Performance for her performance of an Eve Ensler monologue. She also had her U.S stage debut in Iowa as the lead in Alice in Wonderland at the Ohnward Fine Arts Center. She moved to New York to pursue her acting training at AMDA in 2012.
