

Royd McCargish was born in Carlsbad, NM and has remained a life-long resident of New Mexico. From the dry desert south, to the mountainous southwest, to the grassy eastern plains, he grew up in rural communities. This blessed him with the opportunities to experience a vast range of adventures. He lived the life of a farmer and rancher; hauling hay, riding horses, and the general sunup to sundown work ethic of this lifestyle. He had to learn to be a jack-of-all trades; construction work with heavy machinery to the general repair of his grandfather's handed-down Chevy pick-up truck. Honor, kindness, loyalty, and respectability are traits that are forged in small towns, and these are the traits that he continues to value and emulate. In 1991, Royd moved to Albuquerque. He met his wife and together they are raising their three amazing boys. Even with busy schedules, core values are important and they make sure they experience life together. "Adventure" is something they try to do as much

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