

Krista was born August 31, 1999 to parents Koreen and David Gibson. From the days of waking and talking she has always been a sweet, smart, loving, kind and giving young lady. Volunteering her time with the Special Olympics starting at the age of 6 in local, area and State games, and adding other volunteering opportunities along the way at a local assisted living facility playing bingo and with her church. Early on in her life she was always told by others that she should be a model and act. At the age of 13 she started making these dreams come true and is working hard to make it all happen. She has found great success in modeling with runway and print, and is working on achieving her dreams in acting. She is currently (2014) taking acting classes, chorus, working on runway and print modeling, doing extra work and acting when she can, and maintaining fabulous grades in school. Her dreams are to participate in Paris Fashion Week and to be on the big screen as a principle actor. She is w

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