Lisa Y. Sheeler_peliplat

Lisa Y. Sheeler

Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Lisa has been working in the Arts & Entertainment, Advertising & Media, since age 13. She grew up on the East Coast where she sang and danced her way through the local high school of performing arts. In college she continued taking classes in method acting, drama, theater arts and dance. She has worked in summer stock, regional theater, community theater, on roster of an NYC modeling agency, in television, feature film, and new media. Lisa is forever grateful to Cole Weston for casting her as Rosasharn in the stage adaptation of John Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath". The newly released play, he was uncertain of the casting but Paulette his wife convinced him it was the right choice. At the end of the Play's run, Cole told Lisa he could not have envisioned anyone else in the role. Anyone else who could have carried the Second Act and left the audiences gasping, silenced. He was so glad he had listened to Paulette! Lisa is also very grateful to Matthew Weiner and to His Teams for selecting her as one of the New York office secretarial pool for Mad Men (AMC TV). Which she worked on for several Seasons. Episodes spanning the ending of the 1950's, throughout the 1960's, and to close of show, the early 1970's. She has worked in front of the camera and audiences as well as behind the scenes. She has worked within the studio systems and affiliate companies in development, production, post-production and distribution. She writes, has produced and directed, short form content. She once memorably stage-managed Ron Glass and Shawn Weatherly in The Speed of Darkness at The Tamarind Theater. Now The Upright Citizens Brigade. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Multidisciplinary and Business Studies from Cambridge College, Boston, Mass. * IMDb Mini Biography

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