

On the heels of a national Burger King commercial and a co-starring role in a YouTube Red series that garnered over 8 million views in months, L.A.-based actor Cory Kirk is set to start filming a feature length horror film this month where he's lead in "The Perfectionist Hairstylist". The film's in the same vein as "It" meets "The Call". The film will be streaming to worldwide audiences by year's end. A team player with writing and producing credits, Cory has been working lock step with his L.A. film colleagues under the production house of Illusion Islands, where his team has just finished post production with an Eric Roberts streaming series "Shootouts" which stars several social media hip hop personalities as well as a bevy of top tier Hollywood names. Clean cut, unique-voiced and nuanced Cory has played an array of roles in his 8 years in Tinseltown, showcasing his far stretching character range and his "Joey Tribbiani meets Jim J. Bullock" comedic persona. Cory's trained with seas

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